Question by Adam: What is that movie where a prisoner is forced to fight to the death in a Russian Prison? I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ANY OF THE UNDISPUTED MOVIES!!!! It is a older movie. The main actor is white and he is in a Russian prison and is … [Read more...] about What is that movie?
A propaganda poster for the russian revolution?
Question by zekedog: What would be on a propaganda poster for the russian revolution? i have to make a propaganda poster for the russian revolution, what should i include? Answers and Views: Answer by buickPropaganda posters were all about … [Read more...] about A propaganda poster for the russian revolution?
Important things for an essay on the russian revolution?
Question by Freya: what are some important things i'll need to know when writing an essay on the russian revolution? i have a year 12 history essay coming up, but i'm finding the russian revolution a bit harder to concentrate on than any of my past … [Read more...] about Important things for an essay on the russian revolution?
These phrases in Russian?
Question by quimby222: How do these phrases translate into Russian? Due to illness, I have not performed up to par in my Russian class this semester, and I want to write a letter to my professor in Russian explaining the circumstances. Can any … [Read more...] about These phrases in Russian?
Where can I learn russian language in haryana?
Question by Jogi: Where can Iearn russian language in haryana except gurgaon? I wanna learn at least two foreign language, one is russian, 2nd one is french/spanish. Plz suggest me the links, sites about this..I am a novice. I have sufficient … [Read more...] about Where can I learn russian language in haryana?
Old russian tv series?
Question by Nactia: How can I find a name of a old russian tv series? I used to love it I watched it alot 5 years ago it was caled Soldat, soldier, or something war related. Where can i get kinda of alist of all the russian tv series … [Read more...] about Old russian tv series?
What are some Russian phrases?
Question by a.l.k: What are some Russian phrases and the correct pronunciation? I'm going overseas soon and I need to know some Russian phrases that might be useful and the correct pronunciation. I'm going with a friend who speaks it good enough, … [Read more...] about What are some Russian phrases?