Question by Tay: What r some parallels to the circumstances/events that occurred during the Cold War and the Russia-Georgia War?
does it relate in any way? is the relationship between the US and Russia alike in any way? just anyway t relates to anything would be helpful. or if theres nothing then can anyone think of a current event that does relate to the Cold War?
Answers and Views:
Answer by herkk
None. For one thing at that time Russia was a communist state, USSR. Then it was Georgia backed by US that attacked South Ossettia killing innocent civilians, even open fired on Russian peace keepers. Russia had warned Saakashvili against such move and were ready. Russia retaliated fiercely destroying any army Georgia had.
The war is not related to cold war in any way, only thing this time is, it is US that is trying to provoke another cold war.
Putin (Russian Prime Minister) Interview CNN:
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cbjack says
Russia has always been a bully with the countries which surround it. The USSR was built by enslavement accomplished by force. Putin and the old communists in Russia wish to rebuild the USSR and will use force again to do it. Sooner or later the Russian bear will need to be spanked.