Question by Cotterall ‘A.K.’ Adams: Does anyone have recipes for blini with caviar and borscht?
What is best served with borscht: dark beer, Russian vodka or red wine? Somebody suggested champagne but I don’t think so.
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Answer by ai_leen_2003hk
I do not drink but my friends like to have homemade borscht with beer or red wine.
<<<<< Russian Borstch >>>> Serves 6
3/1/2c. canned tomatoes
5or6 med.size potatoes cut in halves
1 large carrot cut fine
1 small peeled beet
salt to taste
1 small onion chopped
4c. shredded cabbage
3/4c. sweet cream
1/2c. fresh green pepper chopped
2tbs. fresh or dried dill
1 celery chopped fine
2/1/2 qts. beef stock or water
1/1/2c. diced potatoes
black pepper
1) Put beef stock or water to boil in large kettle. Add 1/2 c. canned tomatoes. When stock is boiling drop in 5 or 6 med. size
potatoes, chopped carrot and the beet.
2) Heat 3 tbs butter in frying pan over medium heat, add chopped onion, cook till tender but do not brown. Add 3c. canned tomatoes and let simmer with onion and butter until thicken. Set to
back of stove.
3) Heat a separate frying pan with 2-3 tbs. butter to melt in, add 2c. shredded cabbage and stir fry till cooked, shred another 2c. and add later to the borstch.
4) When potatoes are tender in the pot, remove them to a bowl. Add 2tbs. butter, mash well then add 3/4c. sweet cream and mix well. Set aside.
5) Add 1/1/2c. diced potatoes and the remaining shredded cabbage to the stock. When diced potatoes are tender, pour onion-tomato-sauce in the pot, then add the cooked cabbage and the potato-cream mixture. Add 3 tbs. butter to the borstch. Stir well.
6) Add fresh chopped fine green pepper. Sprinkle 3tbs fresh or dried dill. Fresh dill gives better flavor. Remove beet one hour later after borstch is ready. Serve hot.
<<<<< Blini, topped with cream cheese and caviar >>>>>
3/4 cup self-raising flour
pinch bicarbonate of soda
pinch salt
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1/3 cup milk
1/3 cup sour cream
1 egg, lightly beaten
Cream Cheese Topping
180 g cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon finely grated onion
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoon ground paprika
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley
caviar (your choice of caviar)
some fresh dill (for garnish)
1) Sift flour, soda and salt into bowl; make a well in the center. Add lemon rind, milk sour cream and egg all at once; beat until mixture is smooth and free of lumps. Leave, covered with plastic wrap for 20 minutes.
2) Heat lightly greased non-stick frying pan, drop mixture (1 tablespoon at a time) on pan with about 2 cm apart, swirl to 3-4 cm rounds. Cook over low heat for 30 seconds or until underside is golden. Turn blini over, cook other side. Transfer to plate, cover with tea-towel, keep warm.
3) Repeat process with remaining batter, greasing the frying pan when necessary.
4) Beat cheese and sour cream until light and creamy, add onion and lemon juice to mix well. Add paprika and salt to taste, beat until well combined.
5) Spread pipe of cream cheese mixture topping over blini just before serving. Top with caviar and a sprig of dill as garnish.
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