Question by Dimitry Borichevskiy: Why do people still believe that Russia attacked Georgia first?
When it was, and has now been proved,Georgia attacked first. For instance, Fox news still sometimes spouts that Russia attacked Georgia to this day, even though I am pretty sure (or at least hope) that people do not take Fox news seriously.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Libs are out to get me thank you
who cares who attacked who first, Russia wanted that fight just to prove they are still a force to deal with, no one disputes that
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
fatboysdaddy says
Sorry but CNN and Reuters said that it was Russia that attacked first.
Nice lie once again though.
Foxhound says
read the wikipedia article on the south ossetia war. It goes into great detail of the entire incident and it is common knowledge that Georgia attacked first. The area was already hostile. Don't listen to faux news.
snowcone says
Where did you hear that?
Roadhazzards says
Gee all those Russian Tanks that were prestaged and illegally crossing the Georgian Border are pretty clear evidence of who attacked who 1st.
60 min man says
where did you get that info, the UN said differently. russia was massed and when georgia fired, russia was in georgian territory, that has been proven. what source are you using, some soviet rag?
Splitters says
Doesn't matter.The US attacked Germany first in WW2. Wasn't it a good thing they did?
Pfo says
Uh, yeah, it's Russia who claims that Georgia violated a cease fire agreement. And why don't you go ahead and dismiss the evidence of Russia's gigantic military build up on Georgia's border. Clearly, Russia had no intention of attacking Georgia, it was all Georgia's fault.
That's the story, according to CNN. Not Fox News. You can get that info from a lot of sources.
Handey Randy says
Republican propoganda, spread by Faux News.