Question by lswphreak: Russia expanded in Europe primarily by gaining territory from who?
Russia expanded in Europe primarily by gaining territory from
(A) Austria
(B) the Ottoman Empire
(C) Poland
(D) Prussia
(E) Sweden
Here is a link to a map to illustrate:
This is a question taken from an old AP European History test.
It’s pretty ironic that you’re correcting my grammar when you yourself made an error… it’s “they’re” instead of “their”.
Answers and Views:
Answer by ksjazzguitar
from WHOM
Grammar please.
But to your question, looks like their pushing in on Prussia.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
masternachos says
The correct answer is POLAND.…
As you can see, the colored area is what was Poland. The shades of Greenish-Blue are what Russia took from Poland.