Question by intellectual dude: How hard is it to learn Russian compared to Japanese?
I am a native English speaker and have learned a lot of Japanese. How hard is it to learn Russian, relatively speaking?
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Answer by 52Perceptions
Hi..well I first started learning Russian in Moscow (I am English speaker) and it made it heaps easier being IN Russia! That way I had a real need to learn. I still don’t speak fluently but I must say it is to me a flowing language and that made it easier to learn. Russian grammar is the real killer ‘cos there are many different endings and if you don’t get the right one….big trouble!
Russia is an awesome place…I lived there two and a half years and was never bored!
What do you think? Answer below!
tH.E. THRONE SEAT ! says
Learning ANY 2nd Language is a (HELP) Toward Learning a (THIRD) Language; ESPECIALLY if tHE SECOND & THIRD Languages ARE IN tHE (SAME) Language "Group"; Which Japanese and Russian (ARE) ! ! !
A/leKcaHgp says
We have more complicated grammar, but the spelling system is one of the most simple in the world. I study Japanese, it wouldn't be difficult, but the spelling makes me upset.