Question by Peace: What is the Russian nickname for Hayley?
I want to know the Russian nickname for Hayley (my name). Can you also tell me how to pronounce it?
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Answer by Rafal
Hi Hayley 🙂
I think, there is no similar name in Russian.
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James B's new a says
There is no precise equivalent for your name in Russian.
1. Your name means "from the hay meadow". There isn't a Russian female name with a meaning even remotely resembling to yours. 🙁
2. Sorry, there is neither authentic Slavic nor Christian female names anything which sounds like yours 🙁
3. Хэйли. Do they call you Hayl? Than it's Хэйл. Pronounce it just the normal way, in Russian there aren't precise equivalents for all English sounds either.
4. Let's adopt some simple short Rusian name:
— Ольга with the diminutives*: Оля – Лёля – Люня (Ólga – Ólia – Lyólia – Lúnia)
— Галина with the diminutive*: Галя (Galína – Gália) from Greek "serenity", "tranquillity"
— Лада (Láda) a pseudo Slavic name of a fictional deity of harmony, love and beauty.
ellakolesnikova says
can be …Galína(Ga -lee-na),in short…Gália
Хейли = Hayley
галина(галя) = galína(ga -lee-na),gália
Michelle says
Хейли <— How your name is in Russian.
Hyeĭli <— To say the name.
To pronouce it is..