Question by ………..: When Russia installs nuclear missiles in Cuba and Venezuela?
Will Hussein have the testicular fortitude to force Russia to remove them?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Sweetie
Does he even know where Russia is? At least Palin does.
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
reachen22 says
i guess what you really need to ask your self is why we still treat cuba as a enemy? we have created the most one sided trade agreement with the most power full Communist country in the world china.making them the richest country in the world and feeding their military supremacy. but Little cuba needed to ba alienated during the power vacuum that the fall of russia created. they where ripe to be overthrow en with american capitalism,but instead we know have to wonder if russia will be able to gain lost influence they once had.
queentutt says
When Russia installs nuclear missiles in Cuba and Venezuela you can count on our troops staying across seas.
On Night line this evening it said that who ever was elected would have to eventually deal with this situation.
The report also stated that Venezuela president is campaigning against America and is allowing terrorist to buy these mass destruction weapons to fight against America.
Russia and Cuba have the same interest as the Venezuela president in seeking more power and conquering the U.S.
If Obama gets in office, you can bet he will be in plot to give our country's key right over to the ones with nuclear power and help destroy America.
If McCain gets in office, you can bet on him putting up a fight, only this time there will be no hesitation to strike. McCain won't waste time, he will get in and out before you can say Boo!
Personally, I think the U.S. should pull our troops back home except for our Air Force/Navy and bomb the heck out of and eliminate all of the following: Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, and any other country that wants to get rid of the U.S.
This sounds crewl but they are nothing but headaches and usually when someone gets an headache they do something about it like take a pill to get rid of it; so why not just beat them to the punch and bomb tham.
As far as any one living in our country who still claims to their countries, they need to leave the U.S. and be bombed with their country.
We always need to remember, this is America, we speak english here and believe strongly in our freedoms and if you don't like it, go home!
McCain & Palin "08"
Marvin the Martian says
Cuba won't accept Russian missiles. Venezuela is another story.
While I don't think we should ever back down from the Russians I question the wisdom of going into their neighborhood and provoking them.
Russia has major problems, it really profits no one to pile on them.
teranam92 says
You are really behind the times by about 20 years. Putin is not interested in putting is petro$ $ $ into foreign adventures that will break the bank because he is leaving that up to the Americans to experience. Afghanistan broke the USSR and it will break the USA –we all got a taste of that this week. 9 trillion on a war that can not and will not be won ..
and the band plays on!!!!
Obama said that he will confront Russian “aggression,” meaning Moscow’s resistance to NATO encirclement. While it was not in his acceptance speech, Obama charges that the Bush administration has not countered the Venezuelan “threat” in Latin America. He wants to regain US dominance in the region, although his plans on how to do that are unclear.
Ro L says
He can't face Russia. He can't even face Hannity.
TruthSeeker says
You've got foresight! I wasn't around during the JFK crisis, but there is nothing new under the sun, and energy will be the major player in the next one.
rotorhead says
He will go down there as the special guest at a state dinner in his honor.
Chavez is a lunatic. He is making a deal with the devil and condemning his country to permanent 3rd world status. Just look at Cuba.
Ms. Hilton: You live up to your reputation for stupidity.
pablo_asawa says
no he is no Kennedy..he will not be elected but if the worst happens then God save us all from this coward of the county
bittermeds says
They won't have to bother if he is elected-not so sure about the pugnacious other side though.
Fence Sitter says
He shouldn't remove them, America isn't the boss of the world.
I'm 80% sure you're not black.
McCain '08& says
obama will supply the plutonium.
rightstuff says
Well i don't think so but he will talk nice to them.
Ms. Hilton says
They won't do that if Obama wins.
sealove says
Do they have the money to do this?