Question by Beatrix: Can you give me links to Russian poems which have English translation?
Many thanks!
Secondly who are your favourite Russian author?
Answers and Views:
Answer by smoltzfan29
Look the poem up in Russian copy it go to google more even more and under communications translate text paste it hit translate and alakazam
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Mondschein says
why poems? I love Bulgakov, but it's prose. I like the poetry by Pushkin, but translated into English it doesn't sound that good.
Bulgakov is brilliant! I like some stuff by Dostoyevsky. "Brothers Karamazov" is my favourite book ever.
i don't know your taste, but here is the link: There is Master and Margarita in english. I think it's really good. This library <a href="” target=”_blank”> is really good, it is free, there is lots of stuff. I just found some translations of Mandelshtam for you…
here is the list of all poets in russia,
Katya says
I can give you a link to Russian song lyrics with English translations.. not quite poems, but it may interrest you:
mike2006 says