Question by Magpie: Should Medvedev just change his name to Putin and save on the paperwork?
And is it going to get warmer or colder
Well there you go. Nearly the same amount of enthusiasm as the Russians showed.
Answers and Views:
Answer by lashdtsd
From your question I can see that you from Russia, one of those Putin’s haters who wants him down. Unfortunately for you the Russian people have made their choice for Putin’s party. They want Putin to be their president but by the constitution he cannot stay in power any longer thats why people voted for Medvedev. All your lie on CNN about forcing people to vote for Medvedev is a sham. At the times of Gorbachev when there was no freedom of speech at all people went to the streets and barricades to protest against communists. Now nobody protests against Putin because they love him and agree with his ruling.
There are no presidential candidates to vote for in Russia who could come close to Putin in popularity. Who do you want to become their president? Zirinovskiy – racist and mentally troubled person? Zuganov – Communist? Bogdanov – unknow figure in politics ? Garyy Casparov with his clearly notable middle eastern accent ? No thanks.
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