Question by Ohps I forgoted: What are some examples of the history of conflict between the USA and the USSR?
Before the Cold War, both the USSR and the USA were suspicious of each other, and this was shown through the Yalta and Potsdam conferences. Apparently there was also a history of mistrust between the two super powers, but I don’t know what this is. I would be very grateful for some points post-WW2 that showed previous conflict between them both. Thanks 🙂
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Answer by Jack P
Eastern block WWII POWs returned to Soviet hands were executed on arrival, which caused some displeasure when the knowledge became public.
The occupation armies almost immediately began experiencing disagreements with regards to hammering out strategic positions for post-war military facilities,
The Soviets were long, long in releasing information about what they knew of the death of Hitler, including autopsy information.
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Tim D says
The conflict began before the USSR even existed, Britain, France, Japan and the US all participated in military landings within Russia (Odessa, Murmansk, Vladivostok and Arkangel) in opposition to the Bolsheviks after the First World War.
nv jack says
Between the 20's & 40's the relationship of the USSR and the USA was on again off again,about five times during that period. Old Joe and Roosevelt had much mistrust between them. A not much talked about situation that Joe Stalin had about 300,000 Russian civilians slaughtered about 1938. There is much more that is not talked about at the time or even today, I don't think most people will ever know.
There is so much we will never be told, because it would change most every ones view on world politics,if they knew the truth. We can't have that now, don't you think?
Knowing the real history is like reading the Bible, it will scare the Hell out of you.
sober1 says
I would call the vietnam war a battle of the cold war.