Question by agua4211: Good books on the fall of communism in Eastern Europe?
I am starting on a paper about the fall of communism in Eastern Europe. Can you recommend any good sources? I already have the rise and fall of the Brezhnev Doctrine by Hahn so far.
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Answer by dngnbrn
The Rebirth of History: Eastern Europe in the Age of Democracy (1990), The Fall of Yugoslavia (1992), by Mishia Glenny
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Cochise@Oxford says
The best and most readable I've seen is "Down with Big Brother: The Fall of the Soviet Empire" by Michael Dobbs
Edie B says
There is a new book out called "The President, The Pope, and the Prime Minister," that is all about that subject. I don't remember the author, but you should find it by going to or seeing if your librarian can get it for you through your County Library system.