Question by Ellen: Anybody know some good russian dissedent writers?
I want to read something challenging, so I figured War and Peace would be cool, but I wanted to research other Russian dissident writers first.
Any ideas?
Oops, i was misinformed about the Tolstoy being a dissident thing.
Answers and Views:
Answer by aperson
I feel stupid because i don’t know what dissident means. But some good Russian writers are
Leo Tolstoy
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nikolai Gogol
Alexander Pushkin
Vladmir Nabokov
Anton Chekhov
Mikhail Bulgakov
Boris Pasternak
Ivan Turgenev
Mikhail Lermontov
Yevgeny Zamyatin
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Hannah says
Tolstoy was one of the most influencial dissidents russia has ever produced. In czarist russia, censorship was far greater than at any point during the revoltion. Dostoyevsky was sentenced to execution for his writings on the conditions of the poor and for writing out against the czarist regime. Tolstoyism-the brand of moral and political philosophy Tolstoy developed in his later years-respresented a major shift away from the loyalst feudal system epitomized by the Czar. Being a tolstoyist was actually illegal up to and long after his death.
RedStar says
Tolstoy wasn't a dissident, so War & Peace wouldn't fit your criteria. He died before the Russian Revolution. There was no such thing as a dissident when Tolstoy was around.
If you want to read something by a Soviet dissident writer, the most famous is probably Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Try starting with 'One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich'.