Question by Miya J: What are important things someone should know about the first Alexander Romanov?
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Answer by Esparza90
Czar Alexander I of Russia
Taught by a liberal and modern teacher from Switzerland by the name of Laharpe
Romanov admired Napaleon of France but until after the Enghien-affair it faded
Has been defeated by Napaleon himself known as the Battle of Three Emperors because Romanov was allies/friends with Austrian Emperor Francis
He made an agreement with Napaleon when Alexander could no longer wage in war because he would’ve lost again. The treaty of Tilsit is where he made the agreement with napaleon on a boat in the river on the border between russia and central europe. they made a secret addition and that divided europe into 2 empires. He agreed to join napaleons continental blockade against great britain.
Alexander afterwards conquered Persia and Turkey. He had a great war with napaleon again because he began to trade with britain again.
He used a tactic called the scorched-earth tactic which is just destroying anything that might be useful to the enemies. Alexander kept retreating until Napaleons army could no longer handle the climate of russia because of the freezing weather and had lots of casualties. They called the biggest military mistake ever made. That is where the saying came from: the greater they come, the harder they fall.
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