Question by Jkat: Theatre exercises Stanislavski Method?
What are some good exercises to preform in a theatre class that emphasize the Stanislavski Method. *Feel free to add any theatre exercises whatsoever!*
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Answer by tonalc2
Maybe you could illustrate muscular control and justification, a valuable part of an actor’s training in the Method.
1. Throw yourself into some position entirely at random–completely unpremeditated. If it turns out to be ridiculous, so much the better.
2. Examine yourself without changing your pose. Relax every muscle you can until there is no more tension than is required to hold the position.
3. Now justify the position. Find some logical reason for maintaining it. (As soon as you have convinced yourself that the position has a purpose, it immediately becomes right and natural.)
4. Make any minor adjustments in the position which will help you to believe it.
Suppose you fall on the floor with your head raised and the upper part of the body supported by your hands and arms. You can relax all muscles except those in your neck, arms and shoulders. You might justify the position by believing you are a slave begging for mercy.
For performance purposes, you could then do a short monologue as the character.
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besonderschatten says
Ask someone to perform a task, such as shutting a door. Then ask someone to perform the same task with a given situation or circumstance. ("As if there was a madman behind it you wanted to lock out before he knew you were in here and came to kill you.")
Have the students become a nonhuman character, and discuss how they feel, what they see and hear, and how they react to that environment.