Question by chrism76: Stolichnaya vs. Russian Standard?
Strait or mixed.. Between these two vodkas (Cold) which is/has?
– Smoother
– Less After Burn
– Less After Taste
Strait or mixed.
Thanks for your answer TexHabs!
Don’t feel bad for winning because you’re the only one that answered. I’d delete the question if you only tasted and gave your opinion on only one of these two vodkas.
You’ve tasted both and were able to give me a straight answer.
I live in Ontario where Spirits are expensive on average compared to the US.. $ 10 more, if not more, for half the bottle size and volume even if they were made here in Canada.. go figure. While you suggest to find a cheaper vodka to mix, only a gap of $ 2 to $ 3 seperates cheap cheap Vodka from something better and smoother in Russian Standard so it’s not worth it for me to get the cheap and add more juice or pop to be able to appreciate the drink.
As for Monopolowa, I don’t have access to that here in the liquor stores in Ontario or Quebec, so Russian Standard it is.. Thanks.
Answers and Views:
Answer by TexHabs
Russian Standard having drunk both str8 up. If mixing get something cheaper.
ps. If price is an issue Monopolowa is really good – can be hard to find though.
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