Question by Nicole: What is life like for teenagers in Russia?
What’s an average day like for a teenager? Are most parents strict or lenient? Do most go out, or stay in?
I’m planning on foreign exchanging and am seriously considering Russia, but I have no idea what it’s like for a teen there.
Answers and Views:
Answer by tim0391
In Russia Teenager punish Parent.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
APIJSDjpo says
Drinking Vodka.
Syrena says
Most of the parents in Russia are pretty strict and push their kids to their full potential. One friend of mine has tutoring 6-8 am in the morning, goes to school, does homework, and goes to ballroom dance lessons.
Another friend of mine is talented at art so her parents push her talent. She has art lessons every day after school until 8:00 pm.
It's pretty hectic.
Yury says
The best solution that I would advice you is to find a russian teen in facebook and ask him directly 🙂
Trust me, Russian can tell you much more than anyone else about Russia.
~**xXKristenXx**~ says
I have no idea what it's like in Russia, although I was quite curious about the same thing myself. However, if you are planning on doing a High School exchange program you might be out of luck, because I have yet to find a program for Russia, atleast coming from the states.
Cossak says
I'm 21 now,but when i was schooler in free time of school i spent it playing Sony,PC with friends,playing ping pong,football in yard,just being with friends in yard,like eatting fruits on trees because i live in south and everywhere fruit trees,every 2 days we were going on fishing.The most funny we didnt drink or smoke like it do russian village teens,at least if one tried we called him traitor of our promisse and after this he didn't,lol Sometimes i was in village. Every summer like twice i was going with parents to Black sea and in Caucasus mountains.
By the way in nowerdays from our company mostly all drink as others,but no one smoke 🙂
As russians say-The last of the mohicans,i can say i'm the last,because i dont drink and dont smoke. I have allergy on alcohol,lol
Gayreek Cigar says
the male teenagers of Moscow are homophobic Skinheads
Dmitry says
Teens in Russia do not differ from others.
SS says
polite, independant, do your chores, follow the rules, yes – go out and socialise/play sports/sightsee, impress people, different sense of humour, introverted with strangers and more friendly and loving with family/friends, generous, intelligent, tidy, etc.