Question by Oliver: What’s the best book to read if I want to learn about Modern Russia?
I’m looking for a political/historical book that is about how russia is today socially and politically and how it got to that stage. I don’t mind how far back it goes, but I’m looking for an informative and accurate study of modern russia and it’s people.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Alex Vorobiev
Nikolay Berdyaev -“Russian Idea”. It is 600 p. work about russian philosophy, way of life, history.
About modern policy? May “Social policy in modern Russia reforms and daily life” author- Kuznetsov. But you can search and buy the same books in your internet book shops. I think there are many memoirs and good books about Russia but do not read Western authors and liberals from Russia (it is lie).
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Slava T says
Try out "Understanding contemporary Russia", edited by Michael L. Bressler, 2009
Of course one book (in this case a collection of essays) is not enough to become a pundit on Russia. There are so many approaches and interpretations of Russian history and politics. At least this book can give you some taste of the questions which face Russia now.