Question by chewy12: What is the best vodka for a white russian?
I absolutely LOVE white russians but I can never put the amount of vodka in that the recipe recommends so I never get even tipsy from them. What is a nice smooth vodka that won’t take away from the kahlua flavor?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Corvato
Tito’s Handmade, hands-down, its smooth as water. and fairly cheap, at about $ 20 for a 1L bottle.
other than Tito’s, since it can sometimes be hard to find, any upper-shelf vodka, like Absolute or Grey Goose will work.
if you still want a more reasonably priced vodka, i have really been likeing Sveka lately.
if you want more choices, check one of my favorite places for vodka reviews and compairisons:
Read all the answers in the comments.
What do you think?
Russian Guy says
Russian standard
lovetoboat says
any decent vodka. Sky would be good.
But you have problem. If you ain't gettin drunk from white russians, your not building em right.
1.25 oz to 2 oz of vodka
same amount Kahlua
splash of cream
over ice
Get a larger glass if necessary!
Maria S says
42 below, clean and crisp just like vodka should be!
Yellow-Lily ♥ says
Van Gogh is amazing.
Gray Goose.
Three Olives.
Kettle One.
Shoot more for vodka that has been distilled more than 3-4 times.
They go down very smooth.
Also, if I am low on money I buy a cheap bottle of vodka and run it though a distiller ( like the ones you pour water into) I do that about 5-6 times and it tastes just as great as going out and buying a bottle of expensive vodka.
Hope this helps!
Good Luck!
hotsummers says
I've tried Titos, and it is really good, but my favorite is Stolies.
john m says
POPOV $ 2 per litre
++Σ++ says
Jillary says
grey goose is good. put ice in the cup first and pour till you notice the ice is smothered in vodka. don't over do it tho because i never really go the concept of milk with vodka . weird.
mvflyhalf says
What vodka do you use now? Is it the harshness that you don't like like? Fris Vodka from Denmark is supposed to be very smooth and mild compared to most premium vodkas because it has a low character profile. Fris is owned by Absolut. My be worth trying. I like Stoli for white russians because it is "authentic" but Stoli is known for having a more apparent flavor profile.
Suz e Q says
I've always been a fan of Kettle One or Van gooh. I've never tried the one above. I'll have to try it.
Go ahead and put a little more in there. Recipes are not designed to get you tipsy.