Question by Randy M: What was the difference between lenin and stalin’s agricultural revolutions?
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Answer by matt c
Lenin implemented the New Economic Program which created and encouraged capitalism among the peasants. He saw that a country like Russia was incapable of fully caring out a Communist Revolution and tried to develop the agricultural based economy of Russia. This point is well established in Marxist thought and a major reason for the failures of Communism. Every country that has attempted to implement communism has done so on the Stalinist/Maoist method.
Stalin did away with the NEP and created collectivist farms, putting all the peasants on one area of land owned by the state. Unlike Lenin, Stalin did not grasp Marxism and that is the primary reason for his failures. This would of course lead to the mass executions and show trials that Stalin carried out. Communism can only be carried out in an industrialized state, such as France, Germany, Great Britain, or the United States. Capitalism carries people through feudalism and capitalistic agriculture and this step cannot be skipped, which is what Stalin will attempt.
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