Question by Nicole: Does anyone know about the eye symbolism in Eisenstein’s film “Ivan the Terrible?”?
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Answer by Jordan D
The single eye in Eisenstein’s film is a symbol for ‘truth’.
It is a reference to the very common, near universal, trope of the ‘The Eye of Providence’ or ‘The All-Seeing Eye’.
The Eye of Providence can be seen floating above an unfinished pyramid on the back of the US $ 1 bill.
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What do you think?
tutorgirl says
The eye symbolizes the religious conflicts that take place throughout the movie. Sure some may think the religious aspects of the movie are insignificant, but the "truth" is derived from the character's notion of religion. The images of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus and Jesus as an adult are all over the movie.
Mauricio Robotnik.Bu says
I don`t see any symbolism in his eye, but what I see is that Stalin ordered Sergei Eisenstein to make the movie which was to be in three parts, but he only finisñhed parts I and II. But when Stalin saw the picture, ti was so similar to his cruelty, paranoia and madness and the film was forbidden. It only could be seen in 1958 when Eisenstein and Stalin were dead. It is very interesting and with greatest russian actor Nicolai Cherkasov and the music was by Serge Prokofiev. It is fromn 1944 and the russian name is Ivan Grosnyj I and II.
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