Question by Cindycandygirl: Does anyone know the fastest way for a Russian citizen to get visa to visit USA?
My friend is a woman living in Russia, and wants to get a visa to come to California and visit me for one week. She said that it takes a long time for Russian to get approval for visa. The Russian government are concerned their citizen will stay here in the US. By the way,we are not going to get married. Is there any way to expedite the process?
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Answer by CPG
Your friend obviously does not have a clue and is making assumptions for which there is no factual basis.
There is no way to expedite the process, but the process is a simple one and it is outlined on the link below. The only time consuming part is trying to schedule an interview, the rest is plain sailing.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Gene says
How much money does a person from Russia flying to USA have to show customs inspector before allowed on plane?
Art says
You don’t need to show customs inspector any money to be allowed on plane. You can carry $ 3,000 or less without any declaration but you have to declare your cash to the customs if you carry more than that.
To get the American visa, a Russian citizen has to provide the American embassy in Russia with some proof that he\she has enough money on a credit card to travel to the US. Sometimes, the airline officials my ask him/her to show the credit card, or the bank statement alongside with the ticket.