Question by q0sh: What was the final outcome of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?
Soviet leaders replaced reform-minded Czech officials.
The Soviet Union turned Czechoslovakia into a republic of the USSR.
Czechoslovakian officials resisted Soviet intervention and held democratic elections.
Soviet leaders combined Czechoslovakia and Hungary into one Soviet-controlled country.
Answers and Views:
Answer by nathan
The Soviet Union turned Czechoslovakia into a republic of the USSR.
To be more historically accurate, the lovely Russians imposed a totalitarian regime upon the Czech people, alienating them, their mindset, stripping away all civil liberties, killing those who opposed and setting the country back fifty years.
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bustedsanta says
Nathan is correct… I think you should look into "normalization"… I think it will help you understand what followed the invasion:
In the history of Czechoslovakia, normalization is a name commonly given to the period 1969 to about 1987. It was characterized by initial restoration of the conditions prevailing before the reform period led by Alexander Dubček (1963/1967 – 1968) and subsequent preservation of this new status quo. Normalization is sometimes used in a narrower sense to refer only to the period 1969 to 1971.…
Bilbo says
Soviet leader replaced Czechs – Google 'Prague Spring' to see how it turned out over time, ending in the 'Velvet Revolution'. It did not become part of USSR in the same way as the Baltic States.…