Question by dk: How would the future economy of Russia?
I heard Russia is selling natural gas and fuel to many European Union states. What will be the future of the Russia’s economy when their natural resources run out?
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Answer by Mungujacambamatagimba-the-4th
when that runs out then they’ll be worse off than they already are unless they save the money and do something to better themselves
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anne j says
Your fears are unfounded. What about Dubai. In the near future there economy will be not be oil depended. Russia also can copy that model.
econgal says
I don't see the time line when this would happen. They have plenty. Their economy will boom from selling weapons to China. China is arming itself at a hefty pace thanks to all the money they make off of Americans. If the day ever comes when China has ill intent toward are country, we are in for big trouble. They will have the ability to destroy us financially (since they finance our debt) and in the not so distant future, they will have a military presence. Russia will find it economically beneficial to sell them arms.
bbj1776 says
They have more than anyone, they should be other source of energy before it run out.
hick k says
Be the European Mexico full of cronies and thugs for its economy. No rule of law really, but I do not think Russia was gonna be 3rd world poor, but not have developed country living standards. Its on growth binge for lost time, and it will have Dutch Disease. Putin party is 21st century Mexican PRI party, and it not good for Russia people long term, but its better than communism.