Question by Nobama: What is the largest hospital in Moscow, Russia?
I am writing a novel, and, unfortunately, I have never been to Russia, nor will I be able to travel there soon. So, I turn to the internet. What is the largest hospital in Moscow?
Just to be clear, this question is purely for factual reasons. Leave out the chastisement of my book, please.
The main character is to be tended to for a concussion and some minor burns.
Answers and Views:
Answer by S G
If you are unfamiliar with a location, it’s a bad idea to pick it for your novel. Even if you get the name of the hospital right, the story will likely come across as phony. Didn’t they teach you in school to write about something you know?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Dmitry says
I think it is a City Clinical Hospital № 1
But … What the diagnosis was your hero? Moscow hospitals specialize in different diseases.
kate says
whatever for u need to know>
Sklif probably