Question by Brad Bart: Which is the most developed country among Russian countries?
Well, among all the Russian countries, such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Uzbekistan, China, Cuba, etc, which one is the most advanced?
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Answer by Nutty Chocolatier
“Russian” countries? The only Russian country is Russia. The USSR hasn’t existed since 1990.
China and Cuba? So communism = Russian now? Even though Russia is no longer communist?
Man, you need to learn a few more things about the world before trying to ask questions like this.
Anyway…there isn’t necessarily a straight forward answer to your question. Russia has been a developed country for the longest amount of time, but they have suffered since the end years of communism. China’s big cities are in some ways more developed, and in some ways less developed than Russia’s. On one hand, the Chinese government can afford to invest in big public works projects, and they have access to lots of the greatest technology. But on the other hand, China has many millions of very poor people who live in deplorable conditions. So, it’s a mixed bag. If you want to compare militaries, China has taken the upper hand there. For decades, Russia sold its military technology to China and many other countries. But China began copying their designs, and is now able to develop their own technologies that are the same as or superior to Russian tech.
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major99 says
List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita International Monetary Fund
From Eastern block countries the most advanced is Slovenia
GDP ( PPP ) Slovenia -27899 $
From your list most advanced is Poland and Hungary
GDP (PPP)-Poland – 18 837 $
GDP (PPP) Hungary – 18 815 $…
AT says
I think, You wished to ask about the "former eastern block countries", the so called "soviet" system, as Russia was, and is a different country 🙂
About the list:
Today China is the most advanced in total, but if You see the differences between the country, You can find, that there are huge regions, which are not advanced, but very poor. So, I can't say, this country is the most advanced.
It's hard to decide whether Poland or Hungary is the most advantaged by this list, IMHO, Poland vs. Hungary can be a 55:45, so I vote for Poland.
Svetlana says
There is no such thing as Russian countries. Even if you're trying to link them by governing systems, Russia is no longer communist. It's a corrupted democracy. Even former Soviet Union nations aren't Russian countries. And most advances in what: technology, military, etc etc??
Yashoda says
There is no such thing as "Russian countries". Only one country is Russian, namely Russia.
I guess you meant post-communist countries. But then, there are much more of those than what you have listed.
And what do you mean with most advanced?
To make it simple, let's look at the nominal GDP's in 2010:
1. Hungary
2. Poland
3. Russia
4. China
5. Ukraine
6. Uzbekistan.
Looking at the GDP growth rate would give you a far more different order though.
Thus, I suggest specifying your question and asking what you exactly want to know.