Question by Gabor: What is (how can I write) the original (russian) title of “Big Volodia and little Volodia” by Anton P. Chekhov?
I don’ t know what is the original title of “Big Volodia and little Volodia” by Anton P. Chekhov. And I also don’ t know how can we write it. I need a link or something… Please!
Answers and Views:
Answer by Nick Nick
This is the Title in Russian:-
Володя большой и Володя маленький
the title is exactly the same as the English translation.
If you can’t read Russian then the above says:-
Volodya bolshoy i Volodya malenkiy
There is the text of the story in Russian on the Russian wikisource site:-
and then paste the title in Russian into the search box and it will give you the Russian text of the story
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