Question by teach me.: Information on the relationship between Russia and Cuba?
Can anyone help me answer these questions on The relationship between Russia and Cuba?
1. What is the historical background of the two countries.
2. How did a relationship begin between the two countries? Was the first contact friendly or hostile?
3.Has one country exerted dominance over the other or has the relationship remained equal in nature.
4.What natural resources have been available in each country? Have resources or land been the basis for the relationship?
5.What is the relationship of the two countries today?
Answers and Views:
Answer by physician
Russia was a monarchy ruled by a Czar until 1917 when the monarchy was eliminated, the Czar and his family were shot, and a comunist dictatorship was implanted.
Cuba was a democracy, ruled by Batista, a rightist dictator, whom fidel defeated and created a leftist dictatorship, 1,000 times worse
About how the relationship began, it gets tricky. When fidel began to do things its own way, and the USA resented the seizing of their properties, fidel became a subject of the Russians
About the third point, fidel would say that it has been equal, but we know that fidel is totally incapable of telling the truth
Russia has been giving fidel oil at very low cost and fidel sold part in the market at a higher price. Also Russia purchases sugar at a special price.
Besides all of the above Russia gave fidel millions of dollars to maintain its economy and the spreading of comunism
Regarding today, Putin wants to keep Russia as a dominant country and might very likely ( if he is not doing it already ) reestablish convenient political links with fidel
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