Question by dannyX: What was the significance of Tsar Nicholas II or Grigori Rasputin?
Key features in his background or rise to prominence. What did he contribute to Russian history. I’m hopeless with google. Can anyone help me find information on this?
Key features in his background
Rise to prominence.
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Answer by Tim
I don’t mean to sound rude but the question dose not make sense.
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Aj says
Seeing that Nicholas II was the last Tsar, that would be his significance in history. There was no need for him to do anything to rise to prominance, he was born into royalty, and lost the monarchy because he was unable to pull his country out of turmoil. How many people can even name Nicholas II's father (No, he's not Nicholas I, that would in fact be Nicholas II's grandfather)?
Rasputin was some sort of mystical man the royal family trusted because he supposedly helped with the Prince's Alexis Haemophilia, which he inherited from the maternal side of the family(descended from Queen Victoria. As a side note, the English Royal Family today appears free from haemophilia, as most of the men who had it died without heirs, and the women do not appear to be carriers any longer). He apparently used this trust to interfere in politics, including getting the Tsar to personally take charge of troops in the front. After getting the Tsar away from court, his influence increased as he was able to get the Empress to do his every bidding, including filling key positions with men of his choice.
admikanevala says
Rasputin " Mad MonK" was an very iñfluent personality through The Great Catalina .", Nichlolas II, Tsar of the Russias, that in fact was supplanted in fact by Catalina.He was assesinated by the Bolchevique`s force with all of his family, with the exepcion of Princess Anastasia Romanov An