Question by Healing_Rain: With Russia planting a flag in the North Pole is this the start of the “Bear” comimg down from the North WW3?
Is this the set up for the end of days? The return of Christ and the battle between the Devil and Jesus Himself? At the site called Meddigo? And who believes Iran and China will somehow be involed? Is this as some have said in the past this is the comimg war with Russia as seen by the saints of old? Or is this just another stand off of the old guard?
Answers and Views:
Answer by create62
the end of days will be when Iceland takes over the world.
What do you think? Answer below!
abenezerscroogexxx says
just like they predict in the bible, or was it nostradamnuts.
Jan Stolz says
Actually, I wouldn’t worry about it. With the way everything is melting up there, it will all be open ocean in a few years.
And lighten up, man.
s7e7v7e7n7 says
I have seen that bear in my visions years ago, and he sticks his tongue out at the front which comes up against him and that battle does stretch out causing the lion head's to be shoved together , as symbolism goes. If China's symbols are the two lion heads faceing, then they would be the ones who will be targeted for destruction, as symbols and visions go.
Mildred S says
interesting …
although this stuff has been wondered about and interpreted by people for years.
does it really matter ? you can't change the course , only know when is near.
more important is to be ready and not off guard.
china's economy is growing some 12 percent a year … we are falling ? we have given / sold China a texas port to to do business in? north american trade union joins us, canada and mexico ?
Nick K says
Yes, Russia is moving towards fascism and it will present a great danger to the US and the Western world. Muslim terrorism will look like a chaild's play compared to what Russia is prepared to do in the near future. Russia will be the Nazi Germany of the 21st century.