Question by Richard Waterdown: What were the worst affected Russian cities in WW2?
I’d like to write a scene of Nazi occupation in a massively damaged Russian city, but I don’t know where is most appropriate? What were the worst affected cities in Russia during Operation Barbarossa?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jim L
Kharkov must be one of the worst as it changed hands four times at least.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Lomax says
Either Stalingrad or Leningrad.
Virtually the whole of Stalingrad was destroyed; and though Leningrad was never actually occupied, it was under seige for two and a half years.
Sobering fact: the number of Russian civilians who died (mainly from starvation) during the seige of Leningrad is greater than the total deaths – military and civilian – uffered by Britain and America combined in all theatres of the war.
ammianus says
were all more or less trashed during the war..
probably the worst effected of all was Leningrad, due to the siege that lasted from September 1941 to January 1944.
rosbif says
Smolensk would be a good setting for you: over 90% of the city was destroyed during 1941-43, mainly during the 2 months it held out against the German invasion during 1941.