Question by Eloise M: Tzar Nickolas and his family were killed in 1918, can you tell me who was identify in the grave?
The Soviets dug a grave and put 9 bodies in the grave, including their staff. But there was a total of 11 people. The Soviets said they burned 2 bodies. I would like to know , according to DNA , who was identified in the grave. There were 7 family members and 4 of their staff. Did they ever dig in the burn area for DNA of the burned victims?
Answers and Views:
Answer by tesorotx
only 2 bodies missing from the grave were the 2 youngest children Anastasia and Alexei, giving credence to the belief that they were spared. Alexei’s hemophilia means he would not survive very long. Personally I think Anastasia did survive. Why not take the servants out of the grave, their bodies being found was not important.
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dzsnuts says
jimmy hoffa
zachs mom says
This was on the discovery channel …there was something wrong … with the site they burned the bones…. the men all may have died and no one to confirm the pit … or there were no bones….DNA was contaminated something was wrong… i cant remember …but this documentry was done by the discovery channel ,,, you may be able to contact the discovery people and ask the documentary producers about any new news on this….. the russian government may be involved pro or con….