Question by frecklefroot07: What were Vladimir Mayakovsky’s thoughts and feelings toward the October Revolution?
I’m supposed to write an essay answering this using his poetry, but I don’t think I have enough to write 5 pages yet… a little help?
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Answer by Dan L
He thought it was totally bogus. He was really pissed off because the Ocober Revolutionists hogged up all the cheap vodka and their partying kept him awake at night. He fel that everybody ought to chill out and stop revolting and go sleep it all off for a few days.
His girlfriend left him for an anarchist too. That really pissed him off.
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Spellbound says
Mayakovsky was a devoted communist, and embraced the October Revolution. He saw the new economic and political ideas as having artistic and literary counterparts, and that art should serve not the elites, as before, but the masses. He joined up with Rodchenko to create designs for stamps, vodka labels, film posters and magazine covers as well as his poetry and other writings.
During the late 1920s as Stalin was consolidating his power, and the youthful excitement of the Revolution turned to dictatorial conservatism it he began to lose faith in the version of communism that Stalin was introducing, shooting himself in 1930.