Question by POLARIS: Time Magazine awards Vladimir Putin “Man Of The Year”. Is there no end to the liberal …?
love affair and fascination with foreign tyrants and left wing dictators?
Answers and Views:
Answer by cult_of_moe
Funny you contards didn’t say that when reagan was supporting saddam and usama!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
The Wise One says
I think the "man of the year" pickers are the same as the nobel peace prize picking idiots
wyldfyr says
People don't understand that Time Magazine's Person of the year is not an award. It goes to the person who Time considers to be the most influential on world events that year. Past recipients have included Adolf Hitler, Ayatollah Khomeini, and George W. Bush. Past recipients have also included Endangered Earth, the Computer, and the "whistle-blowers".
Think 1st says
Yes, it ended last year.
There is no end in sight for The GOP's involvement with them. Pooty Poot and President Bush are buddies, remember.
Check your history again.
By the way The Person of the Year is given to those who, "for better or for worse, …has done the most to influence the events of the year."
beren says
Well I care about the Man of the Year award about as much as I care about the Oscars, which is not at all. However, I find if humorous that some people suggest that Time Warner, one of the largest corporations in the world is somehow communist.
no n says
It's not the "best" person of the year. it's the most influential person of the year. from a shithole 10 years ago to a powerhouse. thats influential
jeezjjjj says
Time Magazine is a thing of the past! It has no morals anymore. They would do good in a communist country!
Mel says
Man of the Year is worth about as much as the Peace Prize anymore.Too bad too because there are so many more deserving people in this world.
The Scorpion says
Truly amazing.