Question by don: How soon before we go to War with Georgia against Russia?
The Georgian President has said that they have given us control of their airports and seaports.
Its hard for the UN to do anything because Russia is in the UN.
What are our interests in Georgia, anyways?
I don’t see the benefit of helping them in any capacity.
Answers and Views:
If Russia continues its invasion of Georgia, then there is a valid cause to stop the carnage.
Give your answer to this question below!
Kacy H says
Our interest in georgia is the oil pipeline we have in place allowing us to get oil from caspian sea, bypassing other russian territories… (just like other wars going on right now.. its money)
The US has been pushing for Georgia's admittance into nato as well, and has plans for establishing missile defense in georgia. (with possible nuclear capabilities). If we have first strike capabilities against russia, we can beat them into submission without having to launch a single missile. That aggressive stance we are taking against russia, has done allot to unify the asian countries AGAINST the united states. China and Russia working as a team, can be a nightmare for the US financially. (all the money for your made in china toys & tvs, are going indirectly back into a system used to attack us.. )
All done for the love of oil, money and global dominance. The game of chess our leaders play. How can folks say they are "proud to be an american" when in reality we are becoming worse that Germany during WW1 & 2. We are nothing more than the playground bullies, forcing our will onto other sovereign countries, while stealing their lunch money.
Checks B says
The British magazine, "the Economist" says it is Georgia started war first.
"ON THE night of August 7th, Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s president, embarked on an ill-judged assault on South Ossetia, one of his country’s two breakaway enclaves"
The war in Georgia, Russia resurgent Aug 14th 2008…
The Economist is pro US war in Iraq. It looks like the UK disapproves of Georgia’s action.
kendell.daley says
The UN sucks they don't know how to do thier job they just take peoples money and say they have no nukes. We don't need to help Georgia they provoked the russians and russia is being well the way they react and thats by taking over your country and killing you president which I don't see anything wrong with that if they stick to thier old soviet countries.
foreign eyes says
"Nations do not invade nations in the 21st century"
We should worry about McCain as he may have started WWIII
watch this
Please burry him somewhere!
Kurt S says
Dear friends! We are watching the Great Lie from Internet! The reality is that Saakashvili FIRST bombed Tskhinvali on the Day of the Olympian Games! Georgian soldiers SHOT Russian Peace-making armies, peaceful population FIRST and only AFTER this Russia moved army to prevent further destruction. Remember Kosovo, and the US position in that case!
If you understand the reality, that means your have a free mind.
P.S. Please, send this message to all your friends. Thank you!
i peer 2 peer says
anyone who wants to go to another war is beyond crazy
Holdstrong08 says
No one knows anything for sure, Russia is definitely not the superpower it once was, they are still a strong country don't get me wrong but they have enough problems going on with there country to want to start a war with us. I do think that Russia is trying to show the world it should still be recognized but Europe has to realize to that if russia is to take over georgia they will take over a major pipeline i bet they will jack up prices over there so this does almost make this a world conflict..WW3 that's a little crazy I'm sure by now the world has to realize that if there were to be another world war it might be the last war the world ever sees. As for who started it one says russia one says georgia we may never know but russia sure isn't stopping. As for obama and Mccain if you think Obama is ganna do anything good for this country you are out of ur minds Obama knows everything about nothing.. He would be a terrible president i hope to god he doesnt get in. Mccain is no trophy winner but hes had experiance with war and i believe he would be able to handle a serious situation much better than that guy whose down with somone who hates america and oh yea isnt obama a muslim?
Dutch says
The USA won't go to war with Georgia against Russia. It's not necessary. Russia lacks the economic might to sustain an occupation. The Russian "bear" died a long time ago. The Russian "cub" doesn't have nearly as much economic or military might as it thinks it does. Russia stood still in time and the economies of the world fast outpaced it. This is one last growl before hibernation.
sasil85 says
They have an oil pipeline going through there. They are not a democracy. They are a puppet regime of the USA.
Russia had every right to attack. They were attacked by georgia a terrorist state.
They did what we would have done and I give them my support.
alexandredz says
I agree with BJ. He is right. Stop playing this stupid USA card as "we"… STOP bragging that USA going to stop Russia… it is all big BS. People here write on behalf of USA… but who will go and fight… you, who write here!?! USA is already hated by all our allies except Georgians may be….. ENOUGH. We have more problems to fix at home. Crisis in health care, crisis in the market…. WTF!!! you want another war?!!!!!!! if you really want it go to the military kiosk in your town, and sign up, then choose Iraq and get fed up with the real war…. It seems that people think of war as some kind of a computer game WTF.
Künem K says
We won't do anything. The Russians are unfortunately very important to the USA as well in terms of natural gas. If we attack their army for a small country like Georgia, we'll sever our ties with arguably the second most powerful nation currently in existence. All we can do is send "peace keeping forces" to defend key cities such as Tbilisi and hope that some sort of cease fire takes place before this stupid war prolongs, and Russia further splits from our already shaky diplomatic relations.
PS: Russia is wrong in my opinion. First of all, you can't grant passports to people living in another country. Secondly, if Georgia invades this de facto country which is internationally recognized as Georgia's territory, then Russia can't intervene and call these people "their citizens and civic duty".
The Wise One says
1.5 years
spkultr says
maybe a few f-15's to restore air superiority over georgia, then some a10's to vaporize a few tanks; only thing the "bear" understands.
d says
It is a very strategic point for us and oil pipelines run through it and it was part of the evil empire of the soviet union and now has an elected leader. We should protect Georgia at all cost
hilzychillzy says
im so confused with this issue.
i thought they were talking about the state georgia at first..
theres a country????
im so..haha nvm….lol!!!!
R W says
Sure…lets jump into another war…Then in 6 months everyone will be complaning we should not have been involved in the 1st place
Kojak says
I doubt we will get directly involved…..we did not get involved when China invaded Tibet…..why would we get involved when Russia invades Georgia??
AND we should not get directly involved….. it is not our business
shatnerpossum says
There is no benefit. Georgia just wants more land. By getting the US involved they think they can get it. Hopefully we'll prove them wrong.
Смерть к всем которые убивают беспомощное.
Matthew H says
First off, the war between russia and georgia has ended. Both sides were wrong. We would never go to war against russia for georgia unless russia wanted to spread the war… which they dont. Georgia is a good ally of america none the less. They were the 3rd largest contributer to troops in iraq, just behind britain. They also have lots of oil, and they are a democracy.
locke says
us denied control of airports and seaports )
I think that the only thing we can do is maybe supply georgian troops with guns, like we did in afghanistan, no nuclear super powers will ever fight each other.
And we need to help georgia because russia is a loose cannon and must be stopped before they attack one of our economic allies.