Question by brandon r: russia…..?
currently america just signed a missle defense treaty with the czech republic and moscow is threatening to initiate a military response if the deal goes through, is this something that we as americans should worry about considering that moscow is a very powerful military leader and that our forces are already preoccupied with iraq and tensions in iran, what are the chances of russia starting a war with america over this
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Answer by Thomas X
Theres no chance of war with Russia, that’s insane talk. I do think your overeacting abit too much.Russia just dopes’nt want lose face, it wants to look strong on the world stage. I believe it will go ahead and nothing will happen. There are only 10 missiles where putting in Poland to intercept enemy missiles. Russia has thousands of missiles and could easily overwhelm them, which is proof Russia should’nt fear our missile defense shield. If you don’t like the missile shield, then just look what just happened today, Iran tested missiles to destroy us.
Iran is buliding missiles to destory us, and i want to build a shield to pretect myself from that threat! What copuld be possibly wrong with that!? (execpt for the first part of course, which is that Iran should’nt be building these missiles in the first place!)
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Mephisto says
None, however, they can openly defy and start resending advisors to Iran or even Serbia – why not Turkey, since EU turnede them down….. Yugoslavia stood up to us once, they may be encouraged to do so again…
if their Russian-Sino training is an indicator..
Irans missle launch are: 'Pentagon intelligence assesses that the launches were part of what it calls "troop training." Officials noted that the test came during Iran's "Noble Prophet" exercise — an exercise also held twice in 2006, each time including multiple missile launches.' –
"escalating threats and counterthreats between Israel and Iran over Tehran's nuclear program. The Israeli military last month held a military exercise that some officials suggested was practice for the possibility of bombing Iranian nuclear facilities"