Question by Ahmed S: Was Alexander Solzhenitsyn anti-semtic? Why & How?
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Answer by George W Bush for president 2008
Cause he hated people with big noses.
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Russian Life & People Digest
chris says
No, though he did possess views held by many Russians about Jews culpability in the Revolution, this was a minor belief that stems from the culture he came from. In fact, Solzhenitsyn strongly supported the state of Israel for much of his life. Would an anti-semite do that?
khorat k says
This question should be asked in the Education and Reference category in the subcategory of Homework Help.
Nancy Pee says
That was not an issue in his most important books. Only a concern for the "witch hunters" of the world.
He was a decorated artillery officer in the Soviet Army but. nevertheless, he was sent to the prisons with millions of others for minor complaints about the government. He endured years of hell and wrote all about what Stalin was all about. Read "Gulag" years ago and it really opened my eyes. A very important man in that nation's history. He was no great author like Dostoevsky but he really opened a window to the real USSR like nobody else. The nonsense about his views on Jews is a bogus red herring, more propaganda from Israel.
arus.geo says
based on his book: Two Hundred Years Together (2001)
Where he blames the Russian revolutions of 1905 and 1917 on the Jews.
he points to the many jews that were around during the Bolshevik era, and that they may have influenced much of their leaderships.
He doesn't outright say that the Jews are responsible, but his claims are quite bold into placing blame on them for these two wars.