Question by Tahj: Was alexandra romanov like marie antoinette?
Did these two ill-fated queens share similar dilemmas? If so what were they? What are some events that Alexandra of Russia endured that resembles what Marie Antoinette of France endured?
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Answer by Lavinia Perion
Not at all,it was great difference between them.Marie-Antoinette was a vivid and bright nature(not quite serious)and lived in luxury,Alexandra was a gloomy and religious preoccupied.The similarity is that both were considered foreigners and never accept(Marie-Antoinette was Austrian and Alexandra German),they were even hated by the people.Both have mild and undecided husbands,the another resemblance is that had passed a lot of time since their marriage before they gave birth to a heir son.Moreover ,Alexandra is considered Saint by Russian Orthodox Church.
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Sophie says
It I a question of opinion but I think they had similaritys and differences. The similarities are both died in an exaction matter after there husbands lead there countries to finical ruin, both were inproisond in harsh unforgiving conditions, both were from forign contries and embraced there new contries with passion, the lasts were also hated buy there new found contries and were accused of giving secrets from their new home to there homeland, the pair also were adored by their husbands, both spent money on frivolous expenses (Marie Antoinette more), both had sickly children (Catherine more). The difference were intheir linage they both came from different families, also they had diffent personalltys Marie was light hearted and jovial, well Catherine was more subdued and liked quit life, Marie loved the spot light well Catherine peered a more intamit setting, Marie was loved by her father well Catherine was hated and rebels by her mother in law, Catherine was more fertil than Marie. I feel that the similarities out rankthe differences. Some events that are somalar is that both contries revolutionized and this cost them there lives, war helped bring there down fall and many more small ones. I hope this helps.
Sorry for the spelling SERPS and the run on sentences.