Question by greekmythologyfan: Was an atomic bomb exploded by the Soviet Union during the Korean War?
Was an atomic bomb exploded by the Soviet Union during the Korean War?
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Answer by russkimuzhik
In 1949, after numerous threats from the “Evil Empire” and its repressive regime of Truman, USSR made a good answer to those threats.
The bomb was tested on the Semipalatinsk site in the Kazakh steppes.
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Commadus says
Ther was 2 atomic bombs. Not in korea though we used it on Japan in WW2
Allan P says
no nukes in that war ,they may have tested one elsewhere
conranger1 says
Contrary to the Urban Myth, no Atomic bomb was dropped in Korea by the USSR (Russia) during the Korean War, to have used such a device would have surly meant killing a lot of US and Allied soldiers from the United Nations Force there, also the resulting fallout would have been spread far and wide with the wind causing massive contamination that could never have been covered up.
Also such a strike would have received retaliation from the USA on Russian soil. And thereby igniting the 3rd World War.
G-Man says
Not specifically for the war, but yes, they were testing atmoic boms when the war was going on.
94Phenom says
Yes, but they were just testing them,Only one atomic bomb was used for a "wmd" when the United States bombed Japan on August 6,1945.
William B says
Yes the USSR tested bombs in its own country from 1949 until the USSR, France, China, and the United States signed a treaty ending all nuclear weapons testing.
USSR tested in Russia, China tested in China. France tested in the South Pacific. The United States tested in the South Pacific and in Nevada.
Roy H says
Yes, but not in Korea.
rizinoutlaw says
no only two atomic bombs have been detonated in a time of combat and they were by the USA, ending WWII