Question by adrpadua90502: Was Lenin important to the development and industrialization of Russia? Why?
Aside to the question above. If you were to construct a monument for Lenin, why would you think he is important enough to build him a monument? What additional facts can you give me?
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Answer by millionaire
Katherine the Great did way more for the advancement of Russia. Lenin implemented the start of a failing economy that would collapse in close to 75 years. The real boost to Russia’s industrialization and technological advances was Russia’s taking of Scientists and Engineers from Germany at the end of WW2.
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Anna P says
He took the industrialization of Russia back to nearly the middle ages–there was actually a lot of progress being made right before the revolution. He was ruthless and killed off most of the moderates who would have helped Russia become more than it became. It was Stalin who built up the warfare economy, such as it was.
Gavin R says
Yes and no. After 1900 the Russian economy was growing at about 9% a year, which is a very rapid rate.
The Bolsheviks were so intent upon maximizing worker output that they actually tied people's arms to the mechanical arms they were working with so they could keep pace with the machines. And they accused the West of heartless exploitation!. Under the Bolsheviks there was no such thing as an honest mistake. Every error in engineering or construction was seen as sabotage or treason, and the offending parties would be shot. Economic output actually fell for the first 5 years or so of Bolshevik rule. Lenin liberalized the economy with his New Economic Policy, but the economy didn't really start to grow again until the 1930's. Much of this growth was done on the back of prison labor.
The only monument Lenin deserves is one naming him as one of the greatest criminals in history.