Question by lorenzo: Do you think Rasputin is a Holy man or a fraud?
I need to know (for a debate) whether Rasputin is more of a Holy man or more of a fraud
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Answer by Lachrymose Lover
Most people thought he was a crazy person in those days. I would concur with that thought.
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chana devora says
Rasputin was a holy man. The rumors of promiscuity and drunkenness were spread by an anti-semitic nobility who wanted to discredit him because he advocated equal rights for the oppressed Jews of tsarist Russia. When he was accused of misdeeds, or of being a khlysti, he never responded though people close to him begged him to. He felt that Christ had suffered a lot worse without saying anything in his own defense, and that these rumors were nothing compared to what Christ suffered. There are numerous accounts, from doctors and people who knew him, of his healing capabilities. Read "Rasputin and The Jews". This book is an account of Rasputin as a healer, equal rights activist and man of God, and why he was so vilified by the aristocracy that their libelous and slanderous rumors became accepted as history. For nearly a century, Grigory Rasputin, spiritual advisor to Russia's last Tsar and Tsarina, has been unjustly maligned simply because history is written by the politically powerful and not by the common man. A wealth of evidence shows that Rasputin was discredited by a fanatically anti-Semitic Russian society, for advocating equal rights for the severely oppressed Jewish population, as well as for promoting peace in a pro-war era. Testimony by his friends and enemies, from all social strata, provides a picture of a spiritual man who hated bigotry, inequity and violence. The author is the great-great niece of Aron Simanovitch, Rasputin's Jewish secretary.
hollie ireland says
Hi Renzo! LOL
Jesus Christ says
I think he's a dead guy who was crazy while he was alive.