Question by Tim: Was Rasputin really the man running Russia indirectly during the time of Czar?
What kind of man was him?
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Answer by Kaya808
According to the cartoon movie, he was a sorcerer! Lol, I dont really know, but thats the best I can do!
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pumpkin says
. His influence over politics has been greatly exaggerated. Rasputin was a convenient scapegoat for those who wanted to attack the Tsar's appointments and decisions, but who wouldn't confront Nicholas directly.
Wow!guitar says
Yes he indirectly had huge influence over the Czar because he saved the crown prince who had hemophilia and he had great influence over the Czarist who basically controlled the Czar.The Czar had a very controlling mother and was used to having some one directing him in his decisions and telling him what to do. Rasputin capitalized on this and used it to his advantage.
Claire22 says
Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin is has been described as one of the most scandalous figures in Russian history. A semi-literate peasant from Siberia, he arrived in St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia, and within a few years had become one of the most influential men in the Russian government.
Rasputin arrived in St. Petersburg in the robes of a monk, as a self-styled 'holy man', or 'staretz', with a reputation as a reckless drunkard, a healer, and a womaniser. He had created his own 'theology' from different cults and sects, and believed that a person had to sin in order to become holy. He aquired the name Rasputin as a nickname … it means 'dissolute' or 'debauched' in Russian … and he certainly lived up to his name. In addition to his less than upstanding ways, he was also dirty and unkempt. He never washed or changed clothes, and his greasy hair and ragged appearance helped convince his followers that he was a 'man of God'. He was also known for his intense personal magnetism, which was augmented by his piercing, (some said hypnotic) blue eyes.
He was a Russian mystic who is perceived as having influenced the later days of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, his wife the Tsaritsa Alexandra, and their only son the Tsarevich Alexei.
It has been argued that Rasputin, not an ordained Russian mystic and holy man, helped discredit the tsarist government, leading to the fall of the Romanov dynasty in 1917. Contemporary opinions variously saw Rasputin as a saintly mystic, visionary, healer, and prophet, or as a debauched religious charlatan. Historians can find both to be true, but there is much uncertainty: accounts of his life have often been based on dubious memoirs, hearsay, and legend.
lilian c says
no as he only influenced the Tzar's wife
Gordon B says
Rasputin was a Russian Orthodox priest alleged by many to be mad. Rasputin is said to have had the ability to cure a hemophiliac (one whose blood does not clot) simply be being in his, the hemophiliac's, presence. Czara Alexandra's son was a hemophiliac, and so she had Rasputin reside in court with the royal family. Because of this, Rasputin had great influence over the Czara, who in turn had control over her weak minded husband, Nicholas. In this way, Rasputin had almost total control of the Russian government and it's ineffectual ruler. The nobles, who had controlled the Czar until Rasputin's arrival, became jealous and had him murdered and threw his body into a frozen lake, regaining brief control over the government until the Russian revolution shortly thereafter.
veil_of_mist_21 says
The Tsarina (wife of the Tsar) had great faith in Rasputin. Everything she did, she consulted him. [He (supposedly) had an answer to every question and doubt that the Tsarina had. Also, since the Tsar and his son had hemophilia, which is a very dangerous disease, she was very concerned about their health and Rasputin had the job of looking over their health.]And the Tsarina had great influence over the Tsar. So indirectly, Rasputin controlled most things.
Rasputin appeared to be very superstitious and a power-hungry man. He was a monk.
Sudeep S says
He is still running the country. He has shortened his name to Putin.
But Rasputin was, remember the Bonney M song, lover of the Russian queen. He was once poisoned and did not die. So his reputation. He also cured the Tsar of a disease. So he is considered a kind of sorcerer like in the cartoon film Anastasia and Hell Boy. He influenced the Tsarina and she in turn got the Tsar to do whatever Ras wanted.
xxmachina says
The fact he ended up dead says something about if he was "running" Russia. He had influence, but that is just influence, he still wasn't as powerful as the actual men that controlled the country. Access to the Czar, not the same as controlling him.