Question by Zefram: I heard that there was someone in space before Gagarin. Is this true?
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Answer by Mr. L
It’s always been rumored that the Soviets lost 1 or 2 cosmonauts before Gagarin but there hasn’t been any evidence to support it, evidence that probably would have surfaced after the collapse of Soviet Russia.
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Michael says
Robert A. Heinlen, the science-fiction writer and avid anti-communist, wrote about his trips to Russia around this time. He reported that one day while touring Russia, two different people boasted the Soviets had put someone into space that same day. Later that day his guide told him that they were wrong, no one went up. His conclusion – USSR attempted a manned flight before Gagarin, but the government covered-up when the flight went wrong.
jhstha says
Yes, there had been Sowjet cosmonauts in s space before Gagarin, that's right, but they all died, because their "flights" took only seconds and accidents happened.
Gagarin was the first ever who circled at least once around the earth.
dark_hellbent_king says
It has been suggested by some people that the German people during closing years of world war 2 built a large modified version of the German v2 rocket to launch a man into orbit, however if they did such a thing it will never be know as most of the top secret German research was destroyed during the allied invasion of Germany.
bestonnet_00 says
No. Gagarin was the first.
Sarge1572 says
It was Al Gore.
That's where he got the idea to invent the internet.
Beejee says
I'll be checking-back here for the answers you elicit with your question because if there was anyone (besides Buck Rogers) prior to Gagarin I'd really be interested.