Question by bdubbayou: How was Stalin a better dictator than Mussolini?
What do you guys think made Stalin a good dictator and Mussolini a bad one?
Obviously they were both bad dictators, but as far as being a “good” dictator, what made them more powerful, controlling, ect?
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Answer by sisterof_thedarkmoon
Neither and nothing, they were both barking mad!
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HOPLITE2501 says
Stalin was the 'better' of the two by length of tenure as compared to b.m. who was more of a fascist tyrant than dictator .(Little , if any , difference.)
Stalin(A role model of saddam hussein's) because he eliminated any under suspicion or capable of suspicion at a latter time or had the potential to do him any harm .
b.m.'s only virtue was to co-ordinate the Italian train system – no small feat according to some historians .
Good luck !
SAMMY says
if by "good" you mean "more evil", then Stalin was better because he had far more authoritarian control over his country, killed far more of his own people, and sent far more of them into prisons and the gulag.
Mussolini was petty by comparison, and his biggest claim to fame is that he got the Italian train system running on time.
heatherceana says
Mussolini was incompetent and indecisive. He was weak! He is thought to have been someone's puppet. (Mussolini was a grade school teacher ::laughs herself sick:: I'm not sure that that qualifies one to become a dictator, but it may be a good start. jk)
Stalin was NOT. He knew how to build-up power and use his resources. He wasn't just mean, he was efficient.
I think Stalin was a terrific dictator. It's being a dictator that is "bad." He was really good at it though. 😛
Sydney Michelle says
Good at it?
The results showed that Stalin died in bed, while Mussolini was deposed, and eventually shot.
Stalin was ruthless, eliminating anyone who he feared might contest his power. Trotsky was exiled before getting an icepick behind the ear in Mexico City. Stalin's political allies were eliminated after "show trials" once they became too popular. The Ukrainians were starved to death as a too wealthy, too often in opposition to Russian authority nation. He devastated the officer corp when he thought they were too powerful and might be disloyal. Only the NKVD was relied upon and consistently, and even those in that were watched.
Mussolini in contrast would merely exile his opponents to isolated but pleasant locations in Italy. He played his advisers and political allies against one another but only produced policy confusion.
Love Child says
Mussolini was very well liked by the Italian people until he became involved with Hitler and the Second World War. Stalin was feared. If you want to be a dictator it's better to be feared.
heine356 says
Don't know what you exactly mean with good dictator but I think Stalin had his people liking him more because all the propaganda and threatening he used. Stalin killed nearly 20 million people and even his own son so in that aspect he is a typical dictator and more than mussolini. Stalin also had more territory and people under him so I think Stalin is the bigger Dictator than Mussolini.
Dragon s says
well Stalin had much more military knowledge, and the people of Russia at least supported Stalin where as they didn't with Mussolini and ended up cutting his head off along with his wife, during World War II
Hope that answers your question. Good Luck =)
Rich says
Stalins is fear dictator, he elimitae all his rival even to his own brother which Mussoulini won't do. Because of that Stalin able to hold the power in his lifetime. I think most Russia don't like Stalin in the way of elimite others; but because of his strong leadership and military build up; Russia no longer worry about othe invade to their land, but instead try to build up global influence.