Question by manrush: Why do people think that Stalin was worse than Hitler?
Remember, it wasn’t Stalin that desired genocide against “lesser” peoples.
Ah, but he had no intention of wiping out whole ethnic groups. And no, Golodomor doesn’t count as a genocide.
To Fire Up Your Own Ass: so a few nations disagree with me? So what? It’s not my fault they were easily influence by that Russophobe Pukeschenko.
@ fallenintohisownpileofshit: you would probably be wrong.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Alex G
He killed more people
and he did consider call them “lesser” people because they didn’t agree with his ideology
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Fergus808 says
One of the reasons Stalin is defamed by 'Western' (so-called) 'historians' is social chauvinism & racism. Sebag is particularly guilty of this.
Laredo says
Some people think that Stalin was worse then Hitler because he imprisoned and killed his own Russian people. They would be taken off to Siberia or worse without a trial, and sometimes never heard of again, the living conditions of the prison camps were supposed to be horrendous, and the chances of coming out alive were slim.
fallenaway says
You obviously have an agenda to rehabilitate Stalin, or Communism, or more.
There is no way around the fact that Communism killed more people in the 20th century than any other group of political leaders, Hitler included.
Look at the documentation published in the Black Book of Communism (by leading experts, many French) to see if the numbers of Stalin's victims "Tumbled". Soviet documents show that in 1937-38 the CCCP executed over 780,000 of its people. As yes, the forced relocation of entire ethnic groups does constitute genocide. Ask the Chechens or Volga Germans.
greydoc6 says
Who was the best this or the worst that are exercises in frustration. Stalin and Hitler were both evil men who had no regard for human life. Stalin killed more people. It's just that he was more covert about it.
Fire on the mountain says
apparently several governments disagree with you that Holodomor does count as an act of genocide.
Spellbound says
It is a simple case of ignorance, propaganda and historiography.
Under Stalin's, and later leaders rule, the actual numbers were not released, so Sovietologists in the west extrapolated the numbers from dissident accounts, from smuggled documents and from supposition. This led to huge numbers being given – up to 60 million by the University of Hawaii, 35million by Robert Conquest and about 20 million by Richard Pipes. Although now even Robert Conquest concedes that the figure is substantially lower.
But, of course, the west had an agenda – to make out that the USSR was evil, and that Stalin was as big a monster as Hitler, to justify the Cold War (a massive oversimplification, but you get the picture).
Since 1991 when many former Soviet archives were opened the numbers have tumbled, and now the worse estimate of deaths directly attributed to Stalin in the Great purge (including those who died of, neglect, disease and over work in the Gulag) is about 2.5 million (650,000 direct executions), 7 million in the Ukrainian famine and about 1 million during WWII and across Eastern Europe after the Satellite states were established.
The reason that many in the west still believe the earlier numbers is a matter of propaganda, poor research, little education about the Soviet Union and of having an anti-communist axe to grind. Some people also claim that he killed more than Hitler are Nazi apologists.
Stalin certainly was a monster, but Hitler was in another league.
Michelle says
Yeah Stalin was killing his own people and it was more than Hitler. Also Hitler appeared to be being rational. The majority of people thought that Hitler was merely amending the Treaty of Versailles. It wasn't until Hitler invaded Prague in 1939 that people really began to see how ruthless he was.
Angry Seal says
Satlin was killing his fellow Soviets, and he killed a lot more than Hitler did.
No, but he did have the intention of killing anybody who disobeyed.
James Ford says
Stalin killed his own people and far more than Hitler did.