Question by cat lover: Who was Rasputin and was there a movie made on this person?
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Answer by Pétur
Rasputin was a Russian psychic and mystic. Many people consider him as some sort of a wizard.
He was the doctor of Alexei, the son of the Emperor who suffered from a serious disease called Haemophilia.
The disease affects the blood in that way that it is harder to stop bleeding and the bleeding can cause other problems.
Rasputin was admired by many and believed to have been somehow close to the Imperial family, but a lot about him is very mysterious and clouded.
Movies about him are : Rasputin, the black monk (1920), Rasputin and the Empress (1932), Rasputin : The Mad Monk (1966), Rasputin : Dark servant of Destiny (1996), Anastasia (Animated, 1997) and there might be more films about him or featuring him.
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maks says
You might (or might not) find it interesting that there appears to be a Biblical prediction about Rasputin's involvement with the Romanovs.