Question by deceiver100: Were children stolen to be eaten in Russia during Lenin’s reign?
Were children stolen to be eaten in Russia during Lenin’s reign?
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Answer by Tim
Possibly, though most of what I’ve read points to Stalin’s reign instead. Instances like the Ukraine famine, Siege of Stalingrad, etc.
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Leard says
Most probably American anti-Soviet propaganda. The Bolsheviks weren't as bad as America made them out to be. Speak to any mid-aged Russian living in Russia and they will tell you how they see America which you'll think is completely wrong because it is. Soviet propaganda against America.
laina says
Um no… Even during communism Russia wasn't pro-cannibalism. I lived there, i know the history and i'm sure we would have learned about it. lolz
dima83 says
Oh man, what is your age? do you still believe in such crap?
When I was little I believed that nazis were not human, that they have blue blood and nor red, and that there best day was when they killed little children. It is just a rumor that was left in minds of not very clever people before the collapse of USSR.
Do you really think, that if Reagan called USSR "empire of Evil", then russians dream is to make evil to anyone? He called us so, because communism is absolutely different from capitalism. Capitalist say that deeds of one man bring happiness to everyone, because he thinks of effectivness and quality to compete with others. Communists say that nobody should compete but everyone should be equal and modest in their desires. Communism and Capitalism cannot live in one reality. They are forced to destroy one another. So Reagan ment that life of USA depended on destroying USSR, because otherwise USSR will destroy USA. So of course he saw himself as GOOD and USSR as EVIL. From here it was opposite. But in USSR live the same people as everywhere. They love children, they want to be happy, they want peace and they believe in God (by the way the same as yours – russians are christians).
So please, if you want to know more about history (not only russian) then take serious books on topic. It will help you not to post such questions in the future.
Best luck.
Wise_guy says
They weren't THAT bad
The Saint says
Knowing that Communists consider people to be animals, that could very well be true. Then again, it could very easily be anti-Soviet propaganda.