Question by Dylan m/: Were there any biography’s written by Gulag Survivors?
From Stalin’s Gulags?
Answers and Views:
Answer by LarryM
You’re in luck. There is a master Soviet writer by the name of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who writes in great detail about the Soviet Gulag. “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” comes to mind as one such story. Research Solzhenitsyn on the web. I think he’s just what you’re looking for.
Also be sure to check out “The Gulag Archipelago.” This is more a history of the Soviet gulag system than a biography, though.
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What do you think?
Loveless says
Solzhenitsyn was scum. He supported the Franco regime. Much of Solzhenitsyn's work was done in collaboration with Khrushchev, who was a war mongering man concerned with profits, not the people. Solzhenitsyn had no understanding of anything, really, and would claim all sorts of ungodly numbers of supposed "Stalinist brutality" without credible evidence in regards to Stalin.
iansand says
Not a biography, but Annie Apfelbaum has written a comprehensive and readable history of the gulag called, surprisingly enough, Gulag.
woody says
There's an autobiography of Ester Hauzer who was sent to Siberia, and then went on to survive a death march of 10 000, of which she was one of two prisoners to survive. I have never forgotten this book/story, it haunts.