Question by Maye D: What American foods would a Russian child enjoy eating?
We’re hosting a Russian girl in our home this month, and we’re having trouble figuring out what kinds of meals we should serve and what types of foods we should pack in her lunches each day. Should we introduce her to a variety of things and see what she likes? Or is there something specific we should have on hand?
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Answer by Kurt Biewald
happy meals
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Cupcake Cutie says
mac and cheese whether kraft or baked-we did that when we hosted a variety of foreign children in our house.
They also liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches-so simple but they loved them
She may ask to go to mccdonalds considering its worldwide but the foods our different at the different countries for instance one time we had an isreali girl and she begged to go to mccdonalds and she got there and ordered a falafel and they looked at her like HUH?
Enjoy You Guest!
Lisa says
Give her the same as you give your kids and tell her if there's anything she doesn't like just to leave it
Tarun says
Barley and Rye rations!!! Potatos!! And tell her to wash it down with vodka!!!
Seriously though, you`re gunna have to communicate these things with her… everyone`s different. She may want to try new things, or she may find them disgusting. Everyone`s different, you can`t just pidgeonhole her as being russian.
sbluefoot says
Pizza!!!! Who doesn't like pizza. In my opinion if i was a little Russian kid, the whole reason i'm in whatever country your in is to try new stuff. Make pbj's, and lasagna, and hamburgers. Anything a normal kid would.
Kevin says
Chicken Nuggets, Hamburgers, French Fries, typical American specialties.
mr chocolateeeee cho says
hughes.joe99 says
Russian people like Molotov Cocktails. Give her theese and she will be happy russian.