Question by No B: What are some good Vodka based drinks that aren’t a screwdriver,minderaser,vodka+coke,or vodka+cranberry?
I like vodka (even the flavored stuff) but I want to try some new cocktails that are mainly vodka based in that they only have vodka in them or mainly have vodka in them, anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for the info everyone 🙂 I’ve had vodka straight before and that’s rather boring. I don’t like Redbull since it tastes like bubblegum mixed with cough syrup.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Parish
There’s always the classic vodka redbull/other engergy drinks. Then there’s faderade, just mix it in a gaterade bottle. With lemonade it’s good.
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Kristen123 says
I used the advanced search at liquor live to come up with a list of vodka drinks that you could try…looking over the list, I'd suggest trying a bay breeze, greyhound, bull frog, or the vodka sunset, but you could take a look at other options as well…
Have fun!
Norah says
You can mix vodka with just about anything – if you're looking for something a little different try this collection of vodka cocktails:
Smokin-Cupcake says
mix some kool aid mix wid it… the fruit punch 1
pickle1364 says
try it with lemon lime and bitters
if you dont like that, you could always go the sunrise, vodka, orange juice and red grenadine
painfrancais says
An absolutely delightful drink is a Gimlet. Vodka and Rose's lime juice. Shaken and served in a martini glass. (they are also made with gin.) Either is correct. They are wonderful, refreshing, but strong. Take care. Some people splash some seltzer on top, though this is not a true Gimlet, it's good.
There's the traditional Black Russian.(approx. 2 parts vodka, 1 part Kahlua.) Of course, you have to sip it. Or the white russian. Same thing – laced with cream on top. These are more after dinner drinks.
Vodka has less congeners (toxic chemicals formed during fermetation) than most liquors, and causes much less of a hangover. Any white liquor does.
But my cocktails, overdone, will make you sorry. That's because they have sugar in them.
I know. I'm often sorry.
mattm says
Greyhound–vodka, pineapple juice, splash of grenadine.
Not sure what to call it, but vodka is great in the following combo: Shot vodka, lime juice (1/2 lime's worth), splash OJ, fill it up with soda water, and a tiny bit of grenadine for color.
themorbidhippie says
kamikaze – vodka and lime and lemon juice, and optional sugar if you don't like it sour, just experiment with how much of each to put in
hm bacardi peach red and diet coke with lime tastes a lot like those peach flavored gummy rings.
blueberry vodka and maraschino cherry juice tastes interesting.
Schmitty says
Vodka sprite and cran-raspberry juice, good shit.
beautyschooldropout says
georgi blue 100 proof baby..straight or on the rocks is even betta
cheap and gets u messed up for real for real
thuglife! says
just drink it straight! suck it up and be a man! anything else is just wasting stomache space for more vodka!!! oh and crack is a good alternative if you don't like drinking